Once your Concept Design is done, in order to proceed to Prototyping and Manufacturing, you must digitize your design. This involves 3D modeling using CAD software. A 3D model is one of your most valuable assets in the New Product Development process. It can be used for anything from photorealistic rendering for marketing purposes to prototyping to mass production. It is critical to have an immaculate 3D model and working with our team will ensure that.
Phase 2A:
Computer Aided Design
Phase 2B:
Photo Realistic Rendering
Have An Idea?
Do you have a product or idea that needs design or manufacturing? Use the link below to fill out our Product Design Request form and we’ll reach out to you asap to get started on your project.
Wanna makea product?
Learn more about how we can help.
15118 Storm Drive, Austin, Texas 78734
Phone: +1-512-659-5935
Ask about our new office in Austin Texas!!