Case Study: nimble

Design Challenge:

Build a Brand, Fast



Establish a brand identity

design and manufacture

an entire line of tech products

using ecofriendly methods

within a limited timeframe



Product Design

A tight schedule doesn’t have to be a rushed schedule. Our team dedicated appropriate time to each step of the new product development process to design an entire product ecosystem that represents nimbles brand mission and sets up a style that will be the starting point for future product additions. We sketched up multiple design concepts to define the visual direction of their products. It’s important to set an upper limit on revisions to ensure that every revision is deliberate and that we can proceed to the next step. During this step, we also define which materials and manufacturing processes we intend to use.

Green Sourcing

Once we had defined the aesthetics, the materials, and the manufacturing processes in the concept design phase, we faced the challenge of finding ethical and high quality green material sources. We used bioplastics and aluminum for the product and pulp paper for the packaging.


With careful planning, and by sticking to the schedule, our team was able to manufacture the nimble line of products on time. There are a million hoops to jump through to make a project like this work, and our team is proud of our ability to do so.



We plan every moment from the day the project begins to the delivery of the final product. Every project follows a unique master schedule. Our top down approach to planning involves the subdivision of the overall goal into smaller more manageable phases. Years of experience has prepared our team to expect the unexpected and to anticipate and factor in contingencies.

More Case Studies

Case Study: Lumenus Smart Backpacks & Apparel


In 2016 our team worked with Lumenus to design and prototype a set of smartphone connected biking gear such as apparel and a backpack.

Smart Backpack Case Study

We’re always excited to work with entrepreneurs and brands that wish to explore new technology. Our research and development methodology allows us to responsibly venture into uncharted and unreleased tech. In practical terms, with enough notice we’ve been able to have phone cases designed and in production ahead of the phones release date. In industries like this, having a product on the market at release can be vital.

To learn more about the Lumenus project and how some of the tech that went in to it, click the button below to check out the Lumenus case study PDF or give them a google and check out all the press they got. If you’re interested in a consultation about design and engineering, fill out our Product Design Request form and we’ll get back to you to schedule a time.

Case Study: Perk

Design Challenge:

Third Wave Coffee

at the Press of a Button

If you know coffee you know

that's a big deal

Make It:

Easy to Clean

Easy to Assemble

Easy to use


The design raised $110,000 from 495 backers on Kickstarter and received widespread acclaim for it’s elegant minimalist design.


Our team utilized various techniques, including 3D printing, to make a photo-ready non-functional prototype for use in press and for the Kickstarter video. It’s so important for potential investors or customers to see a finalized mock up of your product if you’re hoping to gain some exposure and excitement around it.

See More Case Studies

Case Study: Luge

Proof of Concept

Proof of Concept is “evidence, typically derived from an experiment or pilot project, which demonstrates that a design concept, business proposal, etc., is feasible.”

Our client came to us to seek proof-of-concept for his idea. For this project we explored the design & engineering feasibility and produced a functional prototype.

Our design goals for the project:

  • The beer cooler has to be handheld (portable size).
  • The user will pour the liquid (beer) in at room temperature and get cold liquid (beer) out in a short period of time (ideally under a minute).
  • Use Peltier Plates to achieve change in liquid temperature.


We delivered detailed reports and a functional prototype.


We examined current design trends for related products and explored various iterations of form. Our client received detailed exploration, ideation, & form study reports as well as multiple rounds of concept design sketches. Here’s a sketch from the first round:


We examined modern cooling techniques and technology to assess feasibility within the restraints of the design requirements. We explored multiple possible engineering options. Our client received reports on our research as well as engineering diagrams.


After extensive research and development, we built a prototype using the most advanced cooling methods. Ultimately, we determined that with current technological limitations, the 1 minute cooling mark & portable size was not feasible. However, adequate cooling could be achieved with 7 minutes device preparation time and 10 minutes of cooling. While these may not have been the desired results, the feasibility study determined what will and will not work with currently available technology.

Case Study: Google Bro

With every blockbuster product released, there is the opportunity for third party peripherals. In this case study our team explores design concepts for a Google Home Mini wall mount. This is a mock project to demonstrate our ideation process.

The goal of this design study is to make a wall mount for the Google Home mini that is flush with the wall and aesthetically pleasing while improving acoustical resonance for improved audio quality and range for listening to music.


Brainstorm > Sketch >

Review > Refine >

Model > Render


-Concept Sketches

-3D CAD Model

-High Quality Renderings
