Product Concept: Modular Herb Garden for Kitchen
Product Concept: Modular Herb Garden for Kitchens Style: Minimalist with a touch of Scandinavian aesthetics—clean lines, functional, and made with sustainable, high-quality materials. Brand:
Product Concept: Modular Herb Garden for Kitchens Style: Minimalist with a touch of Scandinavian aesthetics—clean lines, functional, and made with sustainable, high-quality materials. Brand:
Product Concept: Modular Herb Garden for Kitchens Style: Minimalist with a touch of Scandinavian aesthetics—clean lines, functional, and made with sustainable, high-quality materials. Brand:

Style: Minimalist with a touch of Scandinavian aestheticsBrand: "GreenSprout"Inspirational Designer: Inspired by the works of Dieter Rams

Function: This modular herb garden is designed for the urban dweller who loves cooking with fresh herbs but lacks the space for a full garden. It’s a compact, hydroponic system that allows users to grow a variety of herbs in their kitchen. The modular aspect lets users customize the size and shape of their garden to fit their space and aesthetic preferences.


Unique Features:

Smart Watering System: An integrated, app-controlled watering system that notifies the user when water levels are low and adjusts watering based on the types of herbs being grown.

LED Growth Light: A top-mounted, adjustable LED light simulates natural sunlight, encouraging healthy growth, with settings that can be modified for different plant needs.
Scented Markers: Each module comes with a set of markers made from recycled materials, allowing users to label their herbs and add a touch of personality to their garden.

Expandable Design: The garden’s design is modular, enabling users to add or remove sections as their herb collection grows or changes. This feature allows for endless customization and scalability.

Eco-Friendly Packaging: Comes in 100% recyclable packaging with seeds for starter herbs and a compostable coconut coir-based soil alternative.
This product combines functionality with aesthetic appeal, making it a perfect addition to any kitchen. It not only promotes healthy eating by providing easy access to fresh herbs but also encourages sustainability and self-sufficiency in an urban setting.